
Friday, November 26, 2010

I Really Want Some Hobie

I really want those turkey sandwich crumbs in the middle of the coffee table.
I will just go over this foot that's blocking it....
 Hmm didn't work, maybe under the foot.....
 Other side?....
 Nope, maybe from this side....
I don't think my parents will notice if I just jump on the table....
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving....I did!


Jenni said...


Great blog. I'm glad you made it to the crumbs eventually. Next time tell Momzie and Dadzie to save you more than crumbs on Thanksgiving!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

This comment is from truffles. Dear hobie. Did you have "people food amesty day like we did? I got lots of good food!

Pretty much the best post ever :-) happy thanksgiving!

bmellisen said...

What you dont see is that all this took like 15 minutes...but his persistence paid off with the smallest bite of turkey sandwich ever.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Haha!!! Hobie made out like a bandit!

Mo Young said...

I seriously laughed out loud at this! Oh Hobie! Tigerlily (aka, Hobie's great great aunt) was quite a rascal with the food on the floor ... but she didn't perform any jumps. Good job Hobie!

Shana said...

So funny.

I so badly wish my dogs could talk sometimes so I could know what is going through their heads at times like these.

I'm glad Hobie got his crumbs.